
Help to the House of Culture of Shpitky and Petrushky villages

Last week we joined in furnishing the House of Culture in Shpytky village and the House of Culture in Petrushky village of Kyiv region, which suffered from enemy hail shelling.

Pupils of these houses of culture have become our friends, and recently partners, because together we implement creative projects. For children, these houses of culture are places of creativity and art therapy, classes and creative development.

We are grateful to Victoria Babenko (Head of the Department of Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and National-Patriotic Education of the Dmytrivska community), Veronika Kravchenko (Director of the House of Culture of Petrushky village), Halyna Kutkovska (Director of the House of Culture of Shpytky village), as well as Zaryna Lebedeva (art therapist, psychologist-consultant) for their cooperation and warm words.

And also to all teachers for the time and inspiration they devote to the kids.

2022-09-26 19:56