It is one of 6 special schools in London's Harringay Borough (borough is a district level administrative unit subordinate to the district council), with 120 children with special educational needs and 400 children in the mainstream (mainstream school).
The institution is really unique and the only one of its kind in London because two completely different systems of education have been introduced under one roof. The mainstream and special education are taught separately, but according to the general national curriculum, but outside school hours they share the same. That means they are together in the canteen, at recess, at school events, on walks and during transport. This is how the British see the socialisation of children with special educational needs and the protection of their rights.
Broadwaters' exciting Inclusive Learning Communitu campus consists of:
- Broadwaters Children's Centre (school nursery, childcare for children under 5 and a range of community services);
- The Willow (primary school for two forms of education);
- The Brook (120 special school places and 400 regular education places for children under 11);
- Extended school Broadwaters service (provision of breakfast, after-school care and holiday support)
We asked the assistant head of school, Ed Putman, head of 'wellbeing', about what kind of nosologies children attend the school with. And we learned that the school does not specialise in a particular diagnosis, but 80% are children with autism, as well as diagnoses such as: cerebral palsy, epilepsy, sensory disorders, complex medical disorders, moderate to severe learning difficulties caused by birth trauma, behavioural disorders, etc.
After the age of 11, they continue in special secondary schools until they are 16 or even 18.
- "How do children get into school, who decides where they study? Do they get diagnoses or are they referred to special education?
E.P. Many diagnoses are made when a child is 2-3 years old. But for the most part everyone starts education in mainstream schools. And from about 4-5 years onwards, the school may decide that it does not meet the child's needs and cannot provide special educational conditions. Then the school discusses with the parents and (territorial community) borough that it is better for the child to study in a special institution. That is, the parents have a choice, but so does the school. Parents can fight and fight to stay in a regular school, but usually this does not benefit the child's education".
It is clear from the interviews that the child and his or her needs are at the centre of education.
See the following videos about funding, rehabilitation specialists, transport and the timetable in which children with special educational needs study.