We unite and do good deeds
The charitable organization "Voice of Victory Charitable Foundation" headed by its director Margaryta Koval (Serdyuk), together with residents of the Brovary villages of Krasylivka, Trebukhiv and Dymerka, visited Dovbysk Special Boarding School, collected and brought vegetables and sweets, bottled tea and chocolates from Perspectiva21.3 We also gladly joined in and donated children's toys, bicycles, clothes and warm blankets, which are so necessary! We helped to set everything up and personally visited the school
We thank everyone involved, Andriy Vynnychenko personally, for the cooperation and for the warmth we give to each other.
The charitable organization "Voice of Victory Charitable Foundation" headed by its director Margaryta Koval (Serdyuk), together with residents of the Brovary villages of Krasylivka, Trebukhiv and Dymerka, visited Dovbysk Special Boarding School, collected and brought vegetables and sweets, bottled tea and chocolates from Perspectiva21.3 We also gladly joined in and donated children's toys, bicycles, clothes and warm blankets, which are so necessary! We helped to set everything up and personally visited the school
We thank everyone involved, Andriy Vynnychenko personally, for the cooperation and for the warmth we give to each other.